VI International Economic Business Congress

The long-awaited business event for the Far Eastern Federal district and Pacific rim countries became the VI International Economic Business Congress, which is traditionally held from September 2012. 

In the framework of the business program the Business of the Congress were discussed such relevant topics as freight forwarding infrastructure of the Russian Far East, business innovation, entrepreneurial ecosystems in emerging markets of Russia and countries of the Asia-Pacific region, new priorities in business development and many others.

On the grounds of the Business Congress included several events in the formats: panel discussions, round tables, strategy sessions etc. For the first time to the Business Congress was invited by pupils 7 – 11 classes and students of the FEFU, they had organized a forum «NASLEDNIKI»: Workshop «Intelligence card» and integration in a strategic session.

The second day of the Congress was dedicated entirely to AJAX Business Forum. Far Eastern Federal University is increasingly becoming a platform for joint projects with the active participation of representatives of business and scientific communities. In addition, the guests were invited to take part in the II International scientific conference «Entrepreneurship and innovation in the Asia-Pacific region» with invited guests from the graduate school of management St. Petersburg state University, Bentley University (USA), Business School, University Nord, Budo (Norway).

Speakers of the event was the Russian and foreign experts, representatives of Federal funds, the owners and top officials of the business enterprises of far Eastern Federal district and Pacific rim countries, heads of government institutions and public organizations.