International Economic Business-Congress
For the first time ever in the modern Russia the international economic congress was initiated by the business community supported by the members of Business-Club Dialogi for the owners and managers of businesses of the Far Eastern Federal District and Asia Pacific region.
The Far Eastern Federal District is one of the most attractive regions for conduct of business inRussia. Its competitive advantages:
- economic and geographical location (the shortest transport routes East-West) in Asia Pacific Region,
- huge reserves of natural resources (ore and non-metallic mineral resources, aquatic biological resources, as well as hydropower, forest, recreation resources and others),
- the extended seacoast and of external border as the opportunity for social and economic cooperation, the existence of the developed «based» port infrastructure, attractive tourism assets,
- vicinity towards the largest worldwide tourism markets.
However, the contribution of the Far Eastern constituents of the RF to the Russian economy is not significant. It is caused by the significant population move from the territory, economic, infrastructural and power isolation from the central part of Russia and the most developed Russian and international markets, low internal and external transport connectionS between the Far Eastern territories, local settlements with under population, and the specific conditions for agriculture. The low degree of the diversity and economy innovations clearly seen in resources distribution due to low recycling rate of natural resources is another key factor retarding development of the Far East of Russia.
One of the strategic versions of the social and economic development of the Far Eastern Federal district is:
- investments attraction in economy of the Far Eastern Federal District;
- power and resources saving technology adoption;
- new infrastructural projects execution as well as projects in industry and agriculture.
The main condition for prosperous execution of the abovementioned version is the integrated, systematic and synchronous communication between the government, business and society under the public private partnership for the execution of the key investment projects.
Congress purpose
Coordination and consolidation of the actions of business community, scientists, experts and authorities for creating congenial investment climate development in the Far Eastern Federal District.
- To support the international communicative board, Russian and foreign business community representatives, scientists and experts with government institutions in the matter of investments, innovations, economic and cultural cooperation between Russian and foreign countries.
- Presentation of the Far Eastern Federal District facilities for Russian and foreign investors.
- Discussion of business development prospects in the Far Eastern Federal District with Russian and foreign partners.
- New contacts arrangements among business community representatives.
- Congress participants’ presentation of investment projects.
Congress Initiators
- Business-club Dialogi for the the owners and managers of businesses of the Far Eastern Federal District and Asia Pacific region
- Business community of the Far Eastern Federal District.
Organizing committee: PR-agency “Babich & Co.” Ltd.