Honorary members of the International Business-Club «DIALOGUES»


Nina P. Polichka


Director of the non-commercial partnership
«Far Eastern scientific Center of Local Government






Mikhail V. Drozdov

The World Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots, Chairman

China Window Consulting Group, Partner, Head of Shanghai Office







Victor V. Gorchakov

Professor of the Department of Customs
Economics and Management of the Vladivostok Branch
of the Russian Customs Academy

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Major General of the Customs Service




Михаил Грудинин

Mikhail Y. Grudinin

Director of the ANO
«Center for Development of the Altai Republic»









Gennadiy I. Lazarev

President of Vladivostok State University
of Economics and Service








Evgeny A. Rusetsky

Head of the Primorsky Region Department of Rosreestr

Head of Representative Office of International Congress
of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the APR







Boris V. Stupnitskiy

President of Union Primorsky Chamber
of Commerce and Industry








Marina A. Shemilina

Primorsky region business rights Commissioner










Yury A. Avdeev

Director of the not-for-profit organization
«Asia Pacific Migration Institute»









Yaroslav N. Semenikhin

Shareholder, member of Supervisory Board of the
Joint-Stock Company Far-Eastern Marine Research
Design and Technology Institute (JSC «FEMRI»)








Victor A. Shalai

Director of the «Museum of the History
of the Far East named after V.K. Arseniev»








Pavel V. Krestov

Director of the Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS







Valentin B. Shumatov

Rector of the Pacific State Medical University
of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation