Zausaev Vadim Konstantinovich,

Director of the Far Research Institute of the Market of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

Issues for discussion:

1) What are territories of advanced socio-economic development?

2) What is the difference between TASED and free economic zone?

3) What will the business get from working in PSEDA?

4) Where and what TASED should be created in the Far Eastern Federal District?

The following will take part in the discussion of the issues raised and will make presentations:

Bratukhin Oleg Igorevich,

expert in the field of global fisheries and shipbuilding, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Pelagic Research Company and the Marine Engineering Company, Vladivostok. Topic of the report: «Global experience: advantages on a global scale as the basis of TOR».

Zubarev Alexander Evstratievich,

First Vice-Rector of the PNU for Strategic Development and International Cooperation, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Khabarovsk). Topic of the report: “On the possibility of creating a zone of advanced development in the field of scientific, educational, high-tech and cultural and educational development of territories (TOR of non-resource orientation — “Solnechnaya Dolina”).

Barkhanova Yulia Alexandrovna,

Pacific Style Week project curator. Topic of the report: «Cultural projects in the socio-economic development of territories: new time — a new role.» 15:00 — 18:00 Hall «Opal» Round table No. 2

«Staffing of the economy: tasks of government and business»

Polichka Nina Petrovna,

expert of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the Expert Council of the Business Club «Dialogues»

Issues for discussion:

1) How many and what kind of personnel is needed for the economy and social sphere of the region?

2) Is it possible, given the current demographic situation in the Far Eastern Federal District, to implement federal plans for the development of the Far East?

3) How to stop the outflow of the population, and especially young people?

4) Can migration solve the demographic problems of the Far Eastern Federal District?

5) What should the federal and regional authorities do for the demographic development of the Far East?

6) What should a business do to staff its production?

The following will take part in the discussion of the issues raised and will make presentations:

Motrich Ekaterina Leonidovna,

doctor of economic sciences, head. Department of Social Development and Factor Markets, Institute for Economic Research, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk).


“The role of migration in the socio-economic development of the Far East”

Sulimov Sergey Andrianovich,

Head of Product Management, BKS Company (Moscow).


«Retaining the best, attracting the promising — financial tools in motivation systems for managers and specialists.»

Fatkulin Anvir Amrulovich,

Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Far Eastern Regional Educational and Methodological Center (FER RMC), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.


«The quality of personnel training as a product of network interaction between business, science, education and government»

Avdeev Yury Alekseevich,

Director of ANO “Asia-Pacific Institute of Migration Processes”


«Human capital as a priority for regional development».

Barkhanova Yulia Alexandrovna,

Pacific Style Week project curator.


«X,Y,Z and others: interaction of generations in innovative projects».

15:00 – 18:00 Diamond HallRound table №3

«Development of territories in modern realities of the XXI century»

Maksimets Alexandra Georgievna,

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Promotion of Integrated Development and Branding of Territories.

Director of LLC «Engineering Consulting Company»,

Issues for discussion:

1) A new paradigm of territorial development: what is it?

2) How to create a better and more sustainable habitat?

3) How can the Far East become a center of attraction for investment and human resources?

4) Is it possible to develop migration flows, increase business activity and attract new socially responsible business to the Far East?

The following will take part in the discussion of the issues raised and will make presentations:

Afanasiev Georgy Edgardovich,

director of the non-commercial partnership for expertise in the field of industry and energy «Expert Club».


“Why do we love tricks and do not like focusing” (on the impact of mega-projects on the development of regional business and vice versa). Direct connection (Moscow).

Tuktarov Yury Evgenievich,

partner of the law firm Legal Capital Partners.


«Where’s the money, Billy? And about how this question is addressed.

Morozov Pavel Vitalievich,

international expert in marketing, PR and consulting. Head of the consulting company ID-Reel (France) and Managing Partner of the consulting company LinkWest Group (Russia-France).


“Happiness is when you are understood” (about the importance of mutual understanding and communication strategies).

Nikulina-Geffroy Yulia Viktorovna,

Expert in the field of cross-cultural communications, CEO of the consulting company LINKWEST.


“When will Comrade Cluster come to us?” (on cluster policy).